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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00019343

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WBCnstr00019343Summary[Y41C4A.11(p)::YFP; unc-119(+)]
Construction_summaryYFP transcriptional reporters were constructed using Invitrogen Gateway cloning technology. For Gateway cloning, the 5' intergenic region of the gene of interest, consisting of the sequence between the ATG translational start site and the next upstream gene, was PCR amplified and inserted up-stream of two nuclear localization signals and the YFP coding sequence in pBJ101, an altered destination vector pDEST-YFP containing an unc-119(+) minigene. The intergenic region alone was insufficient to drive YFP expression in this reporter; therefore, the first two and three introns of this gene was included.