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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr15798

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Expression_data (2)
PatternPLP-1 localizes to P granules throughout the germ line andto similar perinuclear granules in some somatic cells. PLP-1 was present throughout the germ line, with prominent concentration on granules arranged in what appeared as perinuclear circles. Distribution of PLP-1 in the core cytoplasm was more readily noticeable in unfixed, live germ lines expressing the plp-1::gfp transgene. Similar distribution patterns were observed in both hermaphrodite and male germ lines. In worms expressing the plp-1::gfp transgene, we noticed GFP fluorescence in several cells surrounding the pharyngeal bulbs and in cells in the tail region. Even in these somatic cells, PLP-1::GFP was concentrated on perinuclear granules, in addition to being present in the cytoplasm.