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WormBase Tree Display for Transgene: WBTransgene00017849

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Summary[lin-12(mutated LAG-1 binding sites)::YFP]
Construction_summaryThe lin-12(mutated LAG-1 binding sites)::YFP transcriptional fusion construct was prepared by cloning a PCR-amplified genomic DNA fragment into the pPD122.53(YFP) plasmid, which contains NLS4::YFP. The fragment (cgaatactggaaatatgatg --- ttttttqcccaattcccata)contains the 5'upstream region, 1st exon, 1st intron,2nd exon, and part of the 2nd intron of lin-12. The genomic region contains 17 putative LAG-1-binding sites. All 17 candidate binding sites were mutated in this transcriptional fusion construct.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans