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WormBase Tree Display for Variation: WBVar00248616

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Name Class

OriginSpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
StatusDeadRemark[20130730] Merged into WBVar00192243
RemarkPredicted SNP: Psnp=0.9427 VarS=CT
Enzymes. SNP detectable only by sequencing.
[20040130 db] this Locus was previously named snp_ZK829.1
[20040130 db] this Allele was previously named snp_ZK829.1
[20090224 db] original Wicks name : ZK829:17041..18017@258 Psnp=0.9427 VarS=CT
[20090224 db] original Wicks id : eam48d10.s1@186,c,59