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WormBase Tree Display for Expression_cluster: WBPaper00005432:xbp-1(zc12)_downregulated

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Name Class

WBPaper00005432:xbp-1(zc12)_downregulatedDescriptionGenes whose activation by tunicamycin treatment is attenuated in xbp-1(zc12)III mutant animals.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
AlgorithmA t-test was used to determine the probability that differences in treatment-induced levels of mRNA between the wild type and xbp-1 mutant were due to chance. A 95% confidence limit was applied.
GeneWBGene00001025Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.85 : 0.29
WBGene00023497Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 3.10 : 0.67
WBGene00002271Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.34 : 0.19
WBGene00018259Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 2.86 : 0.06
WBGene00000190Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 3.05 : 0.67
WBGene00001099Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.70 : 0.38
WBGene00015057Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 2.05 : 1.00
WBGene00002017Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 2.48 : 0.29
WBGene00000512Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 3.50 : 0.28
WBGene00011771Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.35 : 0.17
WBGene00005648Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 2.69 : 0.04
WBGene00012757Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 3.27 : 0.40
WBGene00002015Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 2.85 : 0.18
WBGene00002020Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.97 : 0.57
WBGene00000191Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 2.80 : 0.68
WBGene00002008Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.92 : 0.44
WBGene00002007Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.32 : 0.68
WBGene00002026Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 2.08 : 0.54
WBGene00015752Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.83 : 0.19
WBGene00003963Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.38 : 0.42
WBGene00015168Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 1.66 : 0.46
WBGene00010470Tunicamycin induction(WT vs.xbp-1): 4.21 : 0.85